Tag Archives: Relationships

Having each other’s back

Professionalism in times of uncertainty—a conversation worth having, writes CATHARINE HYDON, who, among many contributions to the sector in Australia, is a leading advocate on ethics for early childhood education and care.  In all of my conversations with colleagues about the ECA Code of Ethics and what it means to be an ethical professional, one […]

Compassion and harmony, every day

There is not enough darkness in this world to extinguish the light of one small candle—Spanish proverb We reflect on the light, not only the shadow, cast by events to recognise what is possible: educators already have professional approaches, tools and resources that can support themselves and young children in such moments. The devastating events […]

Turning tantrums into healthy learning

One of the biggest issues early childhood educators face today is the increasing complexity experienced by families coming into the centres, with young children expressing ‘big’ behaviours. It’s often beyond the scope of what most early childhood educators were prepared for in their training. Before starting primary school teaching, I completed a psychology degree and […]

It’s not all about relationships — or is it?

Many discussions about quality in education and care services include at some point—often as a summary statement—the assertion that ‘in the end, it’s all about relationships’. This is likely to occur whether the topic is pedagogy, leadership, community connections, staff relationships, links with other services and professionals or family partnerships. Is this ‘throw-away line’ accurate? […]

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