The words we use daily with children matter. How we communicate and the words we use with children has a great effect on the relationships we build with them. UNICEF (n.d.) explains that ‘Every interaction you have with your child is a form of communication. It’s not just about the words you say: The tone […]
Tag Archives: Learning
Graduation practice isn’t in the EYLF.
It was early December 2023, and I was talking with a colleague, a Tertiary Supervisor visiting student pre-service teachers on their first ECEC placement. The student she had visited that day was experiencing a challenge. As with most practicums, the student was required to observe and document play and learning and then develop and evaluate […]
Why Is It Important to Make Children’s Thinking Visible?
If we see learning as a consequence of thinking, then it is paramount that children have the opportunity and are supported to explore their ideas and thinking during the learning experience. This allows children to then understand their own thinking process. Meaningful learning takes place when children are fully engaged in the ideas of the […]
‘Professional love’ in early childhood education: The transformative power of emotional connections
The concept of ‘professional love’ in early childhood education and care has been gaining momentum as educators and researchers recognise its profound impact on young children’s development and wellbeing. Dr Jools Page, a respected expert in the sector, has dedicated her research to exploring the significance of emotional connections between educators and children. As she […]
Tech wise: what’s the plan?
How are you going to face the long summer? You may have food and drinks in the fridge or plans to visit people who do. You probably have your fire survival and evacuation plan organised. But what about your ‘children and technology’ plan? Have you activated a plan for relaxing and avoiding conflict over children’s […]
ECA perspective: Australia’s First Nations children
Two important papers about Australia’s First Nations children were released in the same week in February. Both have implications for young children in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The joint ECA and SNAICC—Voice for our Children position paper reflects both organisations’ commitment to ensuring that First Nations children get equal opportunities in Australia and […]
Climate Matters: never too young to learn about sustainability
Sustainability, climate change and inter-generational equity have long-term impacts for all children globally argues DR SUE ELLIOT. Young children’s natural interest in how the world works and their capacity to integrate sustainability practices into their daily experience means it’s never too early to involve them in working towards a sustainable future. This is how … […]
What outcomes can families expect for their child in early learning?
It‘s natural for families to discuss with friends what their young children are doing and learning in early childhood education and care. But it can be unsettling too and it can prompt many questions for early childhood educators, directors and managers. In this blog, DR WENDY BOYD demystifies ‘real learning’ and developmental milestones. She examines ACECQA‘s […]
Towards a Statement on young children and digital technology
Why is guidance on young children and digital technology needed now? As a Discussion Paper is released—Towards a Statement on young children and digital technology—co-chairs of ECA’s Digital Policy Group (DPG), Professor Susan Edwards and Professor Leon Straker, address this question and reveal some of the findings from work so far. You may have heard or […]
Music and inclusion
You’ve probably heard it said many times that music is good for children; and unlike vitamins or broccoli, it also ‘tastes’ good! Researchers in recent years have been building up a convincing case, showing that music eases stress, stimulates brain development, aids memory and spatial awareness, supports communication and language development and promotes a sense […]