Tag Archives: Early childhood Education and Care

‘Professional love’ in early childhood education: The transformative power of emotional connections

The concept of ‘professional love’ in early childhood education and care has been gaining momentum as educators and researchers recognise its profound impact on young children’s development and wellbeing. Dr Jools Page, a respected expert in the sector, has dedicated her research to exploring the significance of emotional connections between educators and children. As she […]

Setting the record straight on misguided claims about ECEC and the value of qualified educators

The piece ‘Maybe childcare staff need fewer degrees?’ by Aaron Patrick in the AFR 12 July 2023 is both ill-informed and misleading. If you haven’t seen it, here is the abridged version – the commercial childcare industry is charging inflated prices hurting families because of rules that ‘force centres to hire more, better-educated staff’ and ‘ratio rules […]

Having each other’s back

Professionalism in times of uncertainty—a conversation worth having, writes CATHARINE HYDON, who, among many contributions to the sector in Australia, is a leading advocate on ethics for early childhood education and care.  In all of my conversations with colleagues about the ECA Code of Ethics and what it means to be an ethical professional, one […]

Tech wise: what’s the plan?

How are you going to face the long summer? You may have food and drinks in the fridge or plans to visit people who do. You probably have your fire survival and evacuation plan organised. But what about your ‘children and technology’ plan? Have you activated a plan for relaxing and avoiding conflict over children’s […]

Behind the NSW controversy

Last week I attended the launch of a NSW Government initiative to provide a visual guide to existing National Quality Standard (NQS) ratings. The graphic, to be displayed at the entrance to early childhood education and care services from January 2020, would reflect the existing rating of each service; information that is already public and […]

Photography with purpose

Meaningful photos in early childhood documentation As early childhood educators seek strategies for managing and creating meaningful documentation, KEETA WILLIAMS questions how photographs can be improved. Karen Hope recently discussed being pressured to produce a high volume of photographs, that may not always demonstrate learning.  Keeta continues this topic by exploring how educators can improve […]

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