ACECQA data show us that the most challenging quality area for ECEC services to meet is QA1: Educational Program and Practice. Within QA1, Element 1.3.1, Assessment and Planning Cycle is the most likely element to be awarded a ‘not met’ rating[1]. In Australia, educators and teachers are required to implement the principles of curriculum planning […]
“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before”. (Maya Angelou)
The privilege of working with our youngest citizens. The engine room of any organisation is the most important and influential. This is where the key driving force for ongoing propulsion happens. Everything moves forward when this room is in full operational mode. Working in the infant toddler environment in a long day care setting is […]
Children’s wellbeing and literacy – how they go hand in hand.
Early childhood is an undeniably critical life stage. Decades of research and neuroscience supports this and the knowledge that quality early education and care (ECEC) programs are beneficial for children’s learning and development (OECD, 2017; Shonkoff, 2010). We also know that, alongside academics, we can (and should) be working towards wellbeing outcomes for children in […]
Growing in Early Childhood Education
Pleasurable food education sparks a sense of wonder and connection among children and young people, helping them explore the world of delicious, wholesome food through enjoyable, interactive experiences. This journey equips children and young people with useful abilities, a fondness for seasonal ingredients, and a joyful, self-assured, and nourishing bond with food. It starts with […]
Why Is It Important to Make Children’s Thinking Visible?
If we see learning as a consequence of thinking, then it is paramount that children have the opportunity and are supported to explore their ideas and thinking during the learning experience. This allows children to then understand their own thinking process. Meaningful learning takes place when children are fully engaged in the ideas of the […]
Early Learning Matters Every Day, But It’s Critically Important Right Now
Early Learning Matters Week reminds us of the critical importance of high-quality early childhood education and care. As the week comes to a close, it is a timely reminder to consider the significance of current policy interest in the early years and, while early learning matters every day – it is critical right now. It’s […]
‘Professional love’ in early childhood education: The transformative power of emotional connections
The concept of ‘professional love’ in early childhood education and care has been gaining momentum as educators and researchers recognise its profound impact on young children’s development and wellbeing. Dr Jools Page, a respected expert in the sector, has dedicated her research to exploring the significance of emotional connections between educators and children. As she […]
Setting the record straight on misguided claims about ECEC and the value of qualified educators
The piece ‘Maybe childcare staff need fewer degrees?’ by Aaron Patrick in the AFR 12 July 2023 is both ill-informed and misleading. If you haven’t seen it, here is the abridged version – the commercial childcare industry is charging inflated prices hurting families because of rules that ‘force centres to hire more, better-educated staff’ and ‘ratio rules […]
‘I wish I was small enough’, How could a green screen make this a reality?
‘I wish I was small enough to go inside the house!’ (Audrey, age 4) Statements like this open the door to think differently about how children engage with technology. Why couldn’t they shrink and jump into or out of an imaginary world they may have thoughtfully constructed from blocks or boxes? Why can’t they insert […]
A new study of Warlpiri language shows how ‘baby talk’ helps [children] learn to speak
Parents and other caregivers typically modify their speech when they talk to babies and young children. They use simple sentences and special words, like “nana” for banana. They also speak slowly, use a higher pitch, and exaggerate the ups and downs of the “tune” of their speech. In many languages, caregivers also exaggerate their vowels in a […]