You’ve probably heard it said many times that music is good for children; and unlike vitamins or broccoli, it also ‘tastes’ good! Researchers in recent years have been building up a convincing case, showing that music eases stress, stimulates brain development, aids memory and spatial awareness, supports communication and language development and promotes a sense of wellbeing. Music is good for learning of all kinds. A quick Google search will call up thousands of articles about the benefits of music for just about anything, although unfortunately, the evidence for some claims is not exactly bona fide!
Having shared music with children in early childhood and early intervention settings over many years, I would be the last to dispute its value. However, when it comes to including children with disabilities, the common beliefs about how good music is for learning often means that music is seen as a means to educate children with disability to become ‘integrated’ or ‘normal’. While it is true that music may be used to promote joint attention or language, for example, to truly work towards inclusion—meeting the Early Years Learning Framework outcome of developing a sense of belonging for every child—I propose a different perspective.
Music is a way of communicating, something we can share. We feel connected when we move together in time with the beat of music, or through shared familiarity with the popular songs of childhood. Think of children beeping their imaginary horns in The wheels on the bus, or ‘twinkling’ their fingers like stars. Depending on ability and interest, they might sing, chant, hum, move, or simply watch or listen. There is scope for everyone to feel part of a musical experience.
While songs can certainly be used to teach fundamental social skills such as greeting people or waiting for a turn, the most valuable thing that making music together can do is to build connections and relationships—between you and the children and between children themselves. Regardless of whether children are verbal or non-verbal communicators, can walk or use a wheelchair, regardless of their ability to see or hear, they can come together and get to know and understand each other through making music.
Educators who are responsive and flexible can use music in 1:1 and group interactions, during free play, transitions and group times, to meet the interests and needs of every child. They can collaborate with families and use their interactions with children to find their favourite songs and musical activities. By honouring children’s choices, educators can show an appreciation of musical, social and cultural diversity. Music experiences can be adapted to support participation for all, using peer and adult modelling, careful choice of instruments, visual supports or Key Word Sign. When educators respect children’s diverse abilities and ways of participating, making music can create a welcoming, inclusive and rich learning environment for everyone
Music and children
Increase your music knowledge and music-making ability with the ECA Publication Music and children by Dr Amanda Niland. This book will help you to understand the developmental value of music for young children and how music can support the implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standard and its relevance to the Children’s Services Competencies.
This article was originally posted on the Early Years Connect blog. Early Years Connect provides information, advice and connections to help early childhood education and care educators in Queensland to support children with complex additional needs.
If you are copying books, poems or lyrics to share with children at your service, there is now one annual licence to cover you to use these copyright materials—Early Childhood Australia has partnered with Australasian Performing Right Association Ltd and the Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society Ltd (APRA AMCOS), Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA), Phonographic Performance Company of Australia (PPCA), Copyright Agency and Viscopy to make compliance with copyright law easier and more affordable. Fees are based on how many children you have licensed for your premises. Read more here.
Well said Amanda – I agree that the truly most valuable thing that music can do (and has done throughout the evolution of our species) is to build connections and relationships. And not only does music build but it also regulates social relationships making calmer connected communities. Music should be a normal part of everyday life in every children’s centre. Thanks for your wonderful perspectives delivered so clearly.
Thank you Carol. Lovely to read your advocacy for the importance of music in early childhood. I certainly agree that it is an essential (and wonderful) part of each day
Yeats said “Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire” – and music, books, art… are the kindling of little minds.
It is important to note that often when an early learning service plays music, uses songs, poems or videos, or when reading books to children at storytime, it is in breach of the Copyright Act (1968) unless the service has obtained the relevant copyright licence. Early Childhood Australia has worked with copyright organisations representing songwriters, composers and publishers in Australia and around the world and has created one easy licence for our sector.
Early learning services are advised to promptly visit the ECA shop to obtain a licence.
Background: In July 2015, Early Childhood Australia (ECA) partnered with rights management organisations representing songwriters, artists, illustrators, publishers, composers and authors to develop an affordable and simple scheme for the early education sector to ensure compliance and mitigate risk.
Instead of having to contact APRA AMCOS, ARIA, PPCA, Copyright Agency and Viscopy separately there is now one, simple annual licence administered by ECA.
Whilst there are a number of ELEC services that have taken up this discounted, single licence product, there are still some services which are yet to become licensed.
For more information on copyright, call ECA’s friendly customer service team during business hours on 1300 852 388.
“Where words fail, music speaks.” Great post Amanda.