Perinatal Mental Health Week: It’s more common than you think Early childhood educators have an important role in the lives of children, families and communities. Supporting families with mental health issues is complex, and an educator’s role in this sphere is not always well defined. One important way educators can offer support is by forming […]
Category Archives: Parenting
2020—the year that wasn’t…
Has 2020 had an impact on children’s learning? Catherine Beckingham, an early childhood teacher from Melbourne talks about the interruption of children’s learning this year, what they’ve learned from spending time at home and what’s next. Catherine also mentions early childhood learning theories by Vygotsky and Bronfenbrenner, specifically broad learning such as social and cultural. Many parents […]
Reading, books and libraries
ECA caught up with the Executive Director of Public Libraries and Engagement, from the State Library of Queensland, Louise Denoon, who shares insights into how children can develop a love for reading and the role adults can play in that. Louise says ‘creating opportunities for child led engagement is a great way to spark creativity and gather […]
Parenting during a pandemic
Every parent and family around the country is newly appreciating the value of educators to the lives of young children. You may find this blog helpful to share with families in your early learning community or you might be at home yourself with young children and facing the prospect of Term 2 and how you […]
Thoughts about change
Everyone has experienced a change one way or another in 2020. PAM LINKE shares her perspective on change for children, the impact of the unknown and what we can do as adults to support their feelings. Pam is also the author of an ECA publication, Managing change: Everyday learning about babies, toddlers and preschoolers—a helpful […]
The Play-Doh ‘cookie’
In WebWatch we often report on new research relevant for our sector. Last week a post focussing on new research out of the USA generated a great deal of discussion. The research relayed in WebWatch issue 323 focussed on a USA study analysing the use of Play-Doh containing gluten for children who have coeliac disease or […]
Tech wise: what’s the plan?
How are you going to face the long summer? You may have food and drinks in the fridge or plans to visit people who do. You probably have your fire survival and evacuation plan organised. But what about your ‘children and technology’ plan? Have you activated a plan for relaxing and avoiding conflict over children’s […]
School readiness
The problem with ‘school readiness.’ ‘School readiness’—many find it controversial. MAREE ALDWINCKLE explores this concept and shares her experience as an early childhood teacher and academic. How can we use better terms and activities to describe children preparing for their transition to school? This question has never been more relevant as Australian children slip behind […]
Tips for parents of young children using digital technology
The news this week has many people worried about children’s ‘screen time’. Are babies overexposed to smartphones, tablets and laptops? As DR KATE HIGHFIELD writes, Early Childhood Australia finds that ‘banning’ these technologies doesn’t work. Instead we need to look at how children use technology, focusing on the idea of using it well and carefully and sharing children’s experiences. We […]
Not waving, drowning
Drowning is almost always a deceptively quiet event. The waving, splashing, and yelling that dramatic conditioning (television and cinema) prepares us to look for, is rarely seen in real life. This blog explains why those nearby often miss vital signs that a child or adult is drowning within reach. Read on for more information on Royal […]