Category Archives: Digichild

Provocative articles catch attention and social media responses about technology in early childhood but they are not the whole story.

Tech wise: what’s the plan?

How are you going to face the long summer? You may have food and drinks in the fridge or plans to visit people who do. You probably have your fire survival and evacuation plan organised. But what about your ‘children and technology’ plan? Have you activated a plan for relaxing and avoiding conflict over children’s […]

Ignite girls’ lifelong interest in science

National Science Week is next week (15-23 August) and this blog highlights women in science. Kirsty Costa, from Cool Australia, says children learn to associate science with men from an early age, and educators and families can do something about that. Read on for more and see the links below to Cool Australia’s free early childhood science […]

Don’t leave it to chance. Get intentional

What is your approach to your own learning? How do you incorporate new skills, knowledge and experiences into your professional practice and private life? In ECA’s digital technology projects including the Digibiz survey of childhood educators, carers, directors, principals and managers we found some interesting patterns. Being intentional, applying the same approaches to technology learning […]

Digital fluency comes with context and meaning

Can a dog’s undirected ‘skills’ teach us about STEM learning among children? Is an activity that we don’t understand the same as learning a new skill? In an amusing blog, Daniel Groenewald recently looked at coding, how we might teach skills and what we hope to achieve.  Posted on 1 August by Clare McHugh with excerpts from original post by Daniel […]

Intentionality and technology

Preparing for an ECA webinar this week on Being an Intentional Educator, got me thinking about intentionality and the use of technology in education and care settings. Educators have intentions or views about technology that go from being challenged and excited by technology and finding ways to embrace it, and at the other end of […]

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