Category Archives: COVID-19

Supporting transition to school

As the end of the year approaches, one of your priorities as an educator will be supporting children as they begin their transition from early childhood settings to primary school. In preparing for this milestone while, navigating the complexities this year has brought, there are many effective tools to help you provide the best support […]

Knowing you, knowing me: Maintaining relationships

Knowing you, knowing me: How educators and children at a preschool maintained relationships during lockdown After an enviable COVID-free stretch, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) was suddenly plunged into lockdown. Overnight, Hughes Preschool was off-limits to children and families, except those deemed essential workers, and learning from home began. The educator team created physical resources, […]

Being aware of what children hear and see

Since 2017, more than 110 countries have experienced significant protests[i] and Australia is no exception. As COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to rise in Australia, anti-vaccination mandate protests have been growing in response to a perceived infringement of individual rights and freedoms. In Hong Kong in 2019 and 2020, protests were similarly related to perceived infringements, […]

OECD Education at a Glance 2021

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. It recently released the latest edition of the Education at a Glance report, which provides a global perspective on education and includes information specifically about early childhood education and care (ECEC). What does the […]

Recognising the health communication efforts of the early childhood sector

From the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, the early childhood sector was tasked with expanding their required health practices to include up-to-date, health information to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among staff, families and children. Despite considerable concern about their own health and safety, educators and providers responded quickly to this new challenge, drawing on their established health knowledge […]

Empowering the child in 2020

‘Children leave the caregiver; the caregiver does not leave the child.’ Who would have thought that a global pandemic would lead to a world where social normality and early childhood practice was completely transformed? In early childhood, the ‘gate drop off’ quickly became one of the most significant socially normal practices emerging during COVID-19. The practice […]

Silver linings and unexpected outcomes—early childhood professional placements in the time of COVID-19

Less doing means more listening  More listening means deeper understanding  Deeper understanding means authentic connections  Authentic connections mean stronger relationships   Stronger relationships mean deeper respect  Deeper respect means genuine bonds  Genuine bonds mean children being, becoming, belonging! This inspiring quote comes from second year Bachelor of Early Childhood Education students at Victoria University (VU) (Melbourne) after completing their professional placement in […]

Preschool benefits children and the economy. But the budget has left funding uncertain, again

During the COVID-19 crisis phase, all eyes have been on childcare, but preschool is an equally important driver of well-being and economic security for children and parents—and of economic productivity. Research has found for every dollar invested in preschool, Australia receives two dollars back over the course of a child’s life. Preschool is jointly funded by the federal, and […]

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