Category Archives: 2023 ECA National Conference Speakers

Children’s wellbeing and literacy – how they go hand in hand.

Early childhood is an undeniably critical life stage. Decades of research and neuroscience supports this and the knowledge that quality early education and care (ECEC) programs are beneficial for children’s learning and development (OECD, 2017; Shonkoff, 2010). We also know that, alongside academics, we can (and should) be working towards wellbeing outcomes for children in […]

‘Professional love’ in early childhood education: The transformative power of emotional connections

The concept of ‘professional love’ in early childhood education and care has been gaining momentum as educators and researchers recognise its profound impact on young children’s development and wellbeing. Dr Jools Page, a respected expert in the sector, has dedicated her research to exploring the significance of emotional connections between educators and children. As she […]

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