All posts by Tamara Cumming

Dr Tamara Cumming (BA, BSocSci (Hons), PhD) has worked in the early childhood sector for over 12 years, holding positions as early childhood educator, inclusion support manager and research officer in children’s services organisations. She has expertise in evaluating early childhood programs as part of university and sector-based teams, and in using a variety of evaluation and qualitative research methods. Tamara’s research is driven by a concern for early childhood educators and the sustainability of the early childhood workforce. Her particular research interests are educators’ wellbeing and making visible the complexity of educators’ practice. Tamara is currently a lecturer in the School of Teacher Education, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst.

AJEC on my mind

I bumped into a colleague last week: ‘Are you going to the AJEC Research Symposium in February next year again?’ she asked me. ‘Yes, for sure. I just heard our abstracts were accepted …’ I answered. ‘Oh yeah? I was thinking of going’, she replied, ‘but is it any good?’ In short, yes it is. […]

Research conferences as professional learning

Are you thinking about professional learning opportunities for you and your staff at the moment? Have you thought about attending a research conference? We are very lucky to have high-quality Australian conferences that showcase the sector’s passions for practice and research, and these are a great way for you and your staff to find out […]

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