All posts by Susan Edwards

Susan Edwards is Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education at the Australian Catholic University, Learning Sciences Institute of Australia. Her research investigates the role of play-based learning in the early childhood curriculum. Associate Professor Edwards has completed work as a lead Chief Investigator on an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (2009-2012) titled ‘Examining play-based approaches to teaching and learning in early childhood education and care’. She is currently working as a Chief Investigator on two new Australian Research Council Discovery Grants (2014-2016; 2015-2017) investigating the role of play-based pedagogies in the provision of obesity and sustainability education in early childhood, and leading a project examining the use of digital technologies in the early years. Susan has over 70 publications in peer reviewed journals, and has published several books with publishers including Cambridge University Press, McMillan and Open University Press.

‘It will be a wasteland if we don’t recycle’—Sustainability and intentional teaching in early childhood

‘It will be a wasteland if we don’t recycle,’ stated a four-year-old child in a recent preschool study (Edwards & Cutter-Mackenzie, 2011), as he carefully searched for the triangle on the bottom of a plastic bottle and sorted it into the recycling bin. ‘It’s got a triangle five, woohoo!’ he exclaimed. Young children in many […]

Getting (cyber)smarter, younger

When very young children tell researchers ‘the internet belongs to Mummy’, you know at least three things. 1. Even the youngest child may have a growing awareness of the online world—and sometimes, direct experience of it. 2. Young children do not fully grasp what the internet is, and 3. This makes them vulnerable. Professor Suzy Edwards has been […]

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