All posts by Peggy Albers

Peggy Albers is a professor of language and literacy education in the College of Education & Human Development at Georgia State University. She teaches literacy and English education courses at the graduate level and works with pre-service and in-service teacher education in the fields of literacy education and English education. She is also the Ph.D. coordinator for the Language and Literacy unit. Her current interests are semiotics, children’s literature, English education, the multimedia, and doctoral preparation. She also is founder of an open access web seminar series called Global Conversations in Literacy Research ( in which literacy scholars share their research and scholarship live to audiences across the world. The archived seminars can be accessed at this link: She is a co-editor of Language Arts, the premiere journal for the teaching of the language arts pre-K – grade 8. Peggy Albers has published her research and work widely in journals such as Language Arts, English Education, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Journal of Literacy Research, and Journal of Early Childhood and Elementary Education. She has published four books (two edited): New methods in literacy research (2013, Routledge; with Teri Holbrook, Amy Seely Flint); Literacies, the arts, and multimodality (2010, NCTE; with Jennifer Sanders); Finding the artist within: Creating and reading visual texts in English language arts classrooms (2007); and Telling pieces: Art as literacy in middle school classes (2000, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; with Sharon Murphy). In her spare time, she is also a functional and sculptural potter, an art that informs her research.

Reading to your child: the difference it makes

If you are a parent or a teacher, you most probably read stories to young children. Together, you laugh and point at the pictures. You engage them with a few simple questions. And they respond. So what happens to children when they participate in shared reading? Does it make a difference to their learning? If […]

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