All posts by Maree Aldwinckle

Maree Aldwinckle is a highly experienced early childhood teacher, academic, consultant and writer with many years of experience and a masters degree in early childhood. Her areas of interest span developmental and educational psychology, reflective practice, curriculum and pedagogy and philosophy of education. She enjoys encouraging pre-service teachers to make ‘ah-hah’ theory to practice connections. Maree is currently working as an academic staff member on the Bachelor of Early Childhood Educator and Care for TAFE NSW Higher Education. To contact Maree use the email

School readiness

The problem with ‘school readiness.’  ‘School readiness’—many find it controversial. MAREE ALDWINCKLE explores this concept and shares her experience as an early childhood teacher and academic. How can we use better terms and activities to describe children preparing for their transition to school? This question has never been more relevant as Australian children slip behind […]

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