All posts by Hakea Hustler

Hakea Hustler is an experienced remote teacher and award-winning author. On top of other books, Black Cockatoo (Magabala 2018), My Deadly Boots (Lothian 2022) and Tracks of the Missing (Magabala 2022), Hakea has a chapter in the Affirm Press Teacher, Teacher Anthology coming out in August 2023. Hakea runs the Facebook group 'Teachers in Remote Communities (Past, Present, Future)' and the website to support remote 'curious' and new remote teachers.

The Leap

Imagine traveling 2 plane flights and over 8 hours to your first teaching job- with little people who spoke a different language and who were from a different cultural background to you.  You might be forgiven for thinking that the scenario I am creating was set in Asia or Eastern Europe. But this adventure takes place […]

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