All posts by Dr Kathryn Hopps

Dr Kathryn Hopps is an early childhood educator, researcher and Consultant. She has a practitioner background working in a range of children’s services and schools including centre-based and mobile services, family day care and school age care. Kathryn’s research expertise is in transition to school. She is currently working as a Be You Consultant, supporting early learning services and schools to support children’s social and emotional wellbeing and ultimately grow mentally healthy communities. Kathryn is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at the School of Education, Charles Sturt University. Follow Kathryn on Twitter @drkhopps

Transition (back) to school

Some children have started returning to education settings in some parts of Australia. The word ‘transition’ is being used in the COVID-19 context—but what do we already know about transitions and can this knowledge help support children, families, educators and communities at this time? Successful transitions Transitions aren’t one-off or sudden events. They happen over […]

Disrupting school readiness

School readiness—what’s the problem with it? and how can this commonly used phrase be disrupted? DR KATHRYN HOPPS delves into these questions and shares tips for educators to implement in their services. Continuing the conversation that Maree Aldwinkle began in her post on The Spoke, I’d like to further explore the problem with school readiness. […]

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